Celebrating Hispanic Heritage

People, Places and Events on Stamps
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20-cent Hispanic Americans stamp

Virtual Exhibit


Since the first Spanish explorers and settlers landed in the Americas, Hispanic people have shaped the history and culture of the United States and Latin America. Today, Hispanic people continue to demonstrate excellence in many areas including politics, public service, music, film, sports, business, science, and the military. The significant contributions of Hispanic people and events have been honored on numerous United States postage stamps. This virtual exhibition showcases these contributions through the lens of the American postage stamp.


This virtual exhibition was created by Daniel A. Piazza, NPM’s chief curator, in 2023. It incorporates content from an earlier version originally created by Museum Specialist MJ Meredith using the text of USPS Publication 295, “Hispanic People and Events on U.S. Postage Stamps.”


Gente, Lugares y Eventos en Sellos Postales
Los sellos postales realzan lo que valoramos como pueblo y como cultura, y la exhibición Celebrando la Herencia Hispana: Gente, Lugares y Eventos en Sellos Postales, del Museo Postal Nacional, arroja nueva luz sobre las numerosas contribuciones de los hispano-americanos y latinos a la exploración, la cultura, el crecimiento , y la defensa de los Estados Unidos.

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