Beginner Postal History Quiz Answers

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Correct answers are underlined.


Which person has served as Postmaster General of the United States?
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a) Benjamin Franklin


b) Ulysses S. Grant


c) Charles Lindberg


d) Montgomery Ward


Stagecoaches carried both passengers and mail throughout the nineteenth century. Where were the mail sacks placed on these coaches?
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a) Under the passengers' seats


b) Under the driver's seat


c) On the top and rear portions of the stagecoach


d) Every place listed above and a few more


While the Post Office operated the Railway Mail Service from 1864 to 1977, why did postal workers ride with the mail on the trains?
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a) Workers sorted the mail, preparing it while in transit


b) Workers were stationed aboard railway cars to protect valuable pieces of mail


c) Workers stayed aboard the trains to load and unload mail sacks


d) All of the above


Owney was an interesting figure in the history of Railway Mail Service. Who was Owney?
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a) The "father" of the Railway Mail Service


b) A mongrel dog


c) The clerk who could sort the mail faster than anyone else


d) A clerk who thwarted a mail train robbery


In the late 1800s which means of transporting mail in the cities did the Post Office introduce?
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a) Streetcars


b) Pneumatic tube lines


c) Automobiles


d) All of the above


Why were rural Americans enthusiastic about the nationwide establishment of Rural Free Delivery Service in 1902?
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a) They could get receive free magazines by mail


b) They could now mail their letters for free


c) Rural Americans no longer had to make long trips into town to receive their mail


d) All of the above


When did the Post Office Department begin its official Air Mail Service?
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a) 1903


b) 1918


c) 1927


d) 1939


How are designs for stamps chosen?
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a) By the President


b) By the Postmaster General


c) By the Citizen Stamp Advisory Committee


d) By a random drawing of citizens' suggestions


What is the difference between a commemorative and a definitive stamp?
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a) Commemorative stamps cost more money


b) Commemoratives honor a particular person, place or event


c) Commemorative stamps are gummed, definitive stamps are not


d) All of the above


A particular type of stamp is commonly called a "duck stamp" because...
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a) they feature images of ducks and other waterfowl


b) the proceeds go towards wetlands conservation


c) the duck stamps designate payment for waterfowl hunting licenses


d) All of the above


During the Second World War, the Post Office had to try and reduce the weight and volume of mail sent overseas to and from soldiers. How did the Post Office do this?
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a) By offering people free telegraph and phone service


b) By photographically reducing letters, and shipping the rolls of film overseas


c) By limiting overseas correspondence to one page


d) By developing super lightweight stationery


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