April 16, 1920 – Cleveland, Ohio
April 21, 1920 – Omaha, Nebraska
William DeWald wrote a letter on June 10, 1920 to Major L. B. Lent, General Supervisor of the Air Mail Service, reminding him that DeWald was promised a good job.
"Before the war I was always in a responsible executive position of some sort. This position as Pilot does not give me an opportunity to demonstrate my ability along executive lines and I know I would be of more value to the Department in the management of something bigger."
After DeWald refused to make a flight in July 1920, he was fired from the service.
Letter written on June 10, 1920 by DeWald to L. B. Lent, General Superintendent of the Air Mail Service. In his letter, DeWald explains that he had hoped for more flying responsibilities.
- Courtesy of the National Archives & Records Administration