The Byrd Antarctic Expedition II stamp received immediate endorsement from the Post Office Department when an approved model and three die proofs were sent on September 22, 1933, from the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. This 3-cent vertical stamp, the same size and shape as a Special Delivery stamp, was intended for the collectors' market alone. The Post Office Department arranged for 'philatelic mail' bearing this stamp to be carried by the expedition and postmarked at the Little America post office at the expedition's base camp for a fee of fifty-three cents.
Pre-addressed covers and money orders payable to the Byrd Antarctic Expedition, Norfolk, Virginia, had to be received by the postmaster at Norfolk before October 8, the expedition's sailing date. After October 8 but not later than November 10, remaining covers would be forwarded by regular mail steamers to Dunedin, New Zealand, where they would connect with the expedition before it sailed for Antarctica on January 1, 1934. Covers taken with the expedition were returned by supply ship to Dunedin. They would reach U.S. destinations by summer 1934.
'Second cancellation' group of covers could be received for forwarding until November 1, 1934, the last date mail could be sent via Dunedin to Little America before the expedition's return home. The 3-cent Little America stamp was placed on the covers by the Post Office Department before shipping. That group would return to U.S. destinations by June 1935, having traveling about 25,000 miles.