The Department issued this 3-cent stamp through the Detroit, Michigan, post office on July 24, 1951, to commemorate the 250th anniversary of the landing of Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac at Detroit in 1701. Cadillac founded the city of Detroit. His namesake is the Cadillac motor vehicle company.
The stamp's central design depicts Detroit's skyline as it appeared in 1951 and the landing of Cadillac at Detroit in 1701. In the upper left corner in dark Gothic is "US Postage." The denomination "3c" appears in the lower left corner in dark Gothic. Stretching across the bottom is "The Landing of Cadillac at Detroit, 1701-1951" in whitefaceGothic.
The stamp was printed by the rotary process, electric-eye perforated, and issued in panes of fifty stamps each. The printing of 110 million copies of this stamp was authorized.
Reference: Postal Bulletin (June 21, 1951)
Jeffrie H Lovell