The Department issued this 3-cent stamp through the Minturn, Colorado, post office on August 1, 1951, to commemorate the 75th anniversary of Colorado's statehood. This stamp's vignette features an image of Colorado's capitol building against a distant background of the Mount of the Holy Cross on the left and the state seal on the right. A columbine, the state flower, appears in the lower left corner. A mounted cow puncher dominates the right hand side. Reading across the top, in dark modified Gothic is "3c US Postage." Arranged in two lines across the bottom in white-face, modified Gothic appears the wording "1876 Colorado 1951 75th Anniversary of Statehood."
The stamp was printed by the rotary process, electric-eye perforated, and issued in panes of fifty stamps each. The printing of 110 million copies of this stamp was authorized.
Reference: Postal Bulletin (June 28, 1951)
Jeffrie H Lovell