Featuring Research Volunteer Contributions

Energy Issue

refer to caption
13-cent Conservation single

The 13-cent Energy Conservation/Development special issue stamps were first available on October 20, 1977, at Washington, District of Columbia. The design of the two stamps is identical except for the titles: Energy Conservation (Scott 1723) and Energy Development (Scott 1724). The se-tenant (vertically) pair depicts a house, a gasoline container, and a light bulb. They were designed by Terrance McCaffrey.

The multicolored 13-cent issue was printed on the Bureau of Engraving and Printing seven-color Andreotti gravure press (601) as sheets of 160 subjects, tagged, perforated 11, and distributed as panes of forty (five across and eight down). Mr. Zip, “MAIL EARLY IN THE DAY,” electric eye markings, and six plate numbers, one in each color used to print the sheet, are printed in the selvage.

Reference: Scott 2005 Specialized Catalogue of U.S. Stamps and Covers

Doug D'Avino

About U.S. Stamps