Although the USPS had issued a block of four stamps on the subject of ballooning history in 1983 (to commemorate the bicentennial of manned flight), the appeal of the subject warranted another stamp release with a balloon design, in 1991. This 19-cent booklet pane of 20 (2 sheets of ten stamps each) was the standard post card rate.
Designed by Pierre Mion of Lovettsville, Va., the stamp was released in a First Day Ceremony in Denver, Co. on May 17, 1991. Printed by Gravure method by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, the stamp’s image measures 18 by 20.8 mm. Perforation is listed as 10 on two or three sides.
The design was a pleasing, popular one for the market, as ballooning had continued to escalate in popularity through the 1970’s and 80’s. The post card stamps showed more topical themes such as pastimes, etc. and this fit in with that. In fact, the artist who designed this stamp also designed the 15-cent beach umbrella stamp. Both that stamp and the #2530 made use of primary and strong colors such as red, yellow, blue and green.
Maureen and Chris Lynch