Assurety Consulting Inc. was founded in December 2003 with a passion to solve complex postal logistics problems through highly technical solutions. Assurety Consulting’s vision is to be the globally recognized consulting and solutions leader in the postal logistics industry. As the postal logistics industry goes through a serious transformation driven by digital opportunities, Assurety is leading the digital supply chain initiatives and helping the industry come out strong and stable. Our customers include postal agencies, publishers, mail service providers, shippers, insurance companies, marketing and advertising companies, logistics/transportation companies, higher education institutions and banking related companies.

Leading Change -We are intentional leaders always looking out for the interests of the industries we serve. We believe in leaving a legacy that allows our customers, competitors, and mailing industry to acknowledge our industry contributions. We are “the company”’ trusted and chosen by our customers as the independent technical oversight company guiding other contractors, and supporting internal and external customer organizations. Some of the “first” systems that Assurety helped lead, direct and implement for the USPS and mailing industry are PostalOne!, FAST, Seamless Acceptance, eInduction, full-service IMb, eDocs (Mail.dat and Mail.XML), Informed Visibility, Marketing systems, Intelligent Address initiative, Parcel systems using Shipping services File such as NMATS, eVS, PTR, eSAS, UPE, and a very large number of other unnamed applications and systems that are mission critical for the US Postal Service and mailing industry in general.

Managing Uncertainty – Assurety has been the trusted advisor to its clients and has been helping the postal logistics industry with business and technical decisions to overcome uncertainty. We provide certainty and assurance that the proposed solutions will meet or exceed the needs of the stakeholder due to our vast experience in both Postal and commercial domains.

Technical Leadership (Big Data, Mobility, Enterprise Solutions) - From day one, we were solving problems for the U.S. Postal Service and the Mailing Industry, leading the definition, design, and implementation for USPS and Idealliance to develop next generation of Full Service Intelligent Mail Barcode (IMb) solutions. Assurety was hired in 2004 by USPS as the first company to help design and lead services oriented architecture solutions that enable easy business-to-business transactions with minimal change management and infrastructure constraints. Assurety helped develop, design and implement the USPS FAST system. The FAST system enabled automation of origin and destination appointments for logistics companies and mailers. Since 2006, Assurety has been providing strategic technical guidance to Idealliance, which is a nonprofit media supply chain consortium of mailers, shippers, and logistics companies. Assurety has been providing leadership and direction for the mailing industry data specifications, also known as Postal eDocs, Mail.dat and Mail.XML as part of the Postal Big Data strategy. These data specifications are the heart and mind of the USPS Full-Service IMb program. Assurety led the development of Mail.XML business-to-business data specification in collaboration with the industry and developed more than 90,000 lines of XML code enabling business transactions between mailers and logistics/transporters, and between high volume commercial mailers and the US Postal Service, providing a key component of moving them forward with Full-Service. The data specification solutions support Postal verification, acceptance, transportation, induction, processing, delivery and tracking solutions.
Always the first to be called upon for challenging projects - Repeatedly Assurety has been called upon to help lead projects that are challenging and require both business and technical knowledge. Assurety was the first company hired to help lead the full service IMb definition, design and oversite in 2007. Assurety Consulting was also the first company hired by the USPS during the formation of its new Digital Hybrid Innovations organization with its own Vice-President, and its own funding. Assurety was given a task to envision, define, design, develop, and lead a pilot for one of the first mobile applications developed by the USPS with focus on consumers. Assurety also designed and developed software and conducted pilot activities with volunteer users on usability, value, and future improvement needs of the mobile application called Digital Mail Box, and Mail and Track. We have the knowledge and expertise in technology to design, build, and deploy successful mobile applications that meet or exceed the needs of our customers and users.
Postal Software Vendor and Custom Solutions development -Assurety Consulting also sells COTS (Commercial Off the shelf) post-presort and custom Postal APIs and other solutions for the parcel and mailing industry. Assurety was the first software vendor in 2007 to develop the first service oriented architecture (SOA) software enabling business-to-business transaction automation processes for the postal logistics industry. Our post-presort software allows the mailing industry to comply with ever changing USPS regulations, manage mailing production changes, maximize postage discounts through volume increases, automate transportation management and appointments processes, and help provide proactive late or early indications for mail and parcel delivery. Assurety is one of the few companies with deep knowledge and experience with postal business processes and postal systems while having over a decade of experience with the commercial mailing industry and its business processes and IT systems.
In times of decreasing mail volumes, Assurety has played an integral role in keeping the mailing industry afloat. Our software products allow the mailing industry to receive the deepest discounts possible and maintain their small profit margins all while benefitting the U.S. Postal Service by keeping their processing costs down making the mail moment possible.
Assurety’s deep postal logistics experience led to the development of highly user-friendly scalable enterprise level software solutions for commercial mailers. Assurety was the first software vendor in 2007 to develop web services, SOA solutions and helped remove hundreds of thousands of dollars in costs from the manual appointment management process for commercial mailers, consolidators, and logistics transportation companies.
Assurety Integrated Mailing Solution – AIMS™
AIMS is a centralized, web-based mailing solution developed by the experts at Assurety. By utilitizing AIMS, mailers can increase efficiency, improve productivity and save money in areas including intelligent mail, shipping, palletizing, tracking and more.
AIMS™ centralized and web-based system includes:
- MailAssurety™ - eDoc Management for IMb Intelligent Mail full-service made easy!
- Industry’s only browser based Mail.dat editor
- Global editing templates
- Synchronise weights and pieces
- Manage merges and splits of presorts
- Generate and maintain centralized uniqueness of intelligent mail barcodes, pallet barcodes and tray an dsack bacodes
- Manage spoilage
- ShipmentAssurety™ - Automates manual appointment management and induction reporting processes
- Creates electronic one-time, shell and multi-stop appointments with the USPS while providing IMcb container barcodes tied to appointments
- Creates one-time contents in the USPS FAST system providing planned induction date/time and facility tied to their pallets
- Automates and streamlines business decision making about re-directions, about multi-stop time interval decisions for appointments from one facility to another
- PalletAssurety™ - Merge presorts and palletize/re-palletize to increase volumes and save transportation costs.
- First Class CSA (Customer Supplier Agreement) and Standard Class Palletization rules compliant
- Barcode generation, increasing postage discounts by increasing volumes across presorts through palletization
- Tray and container label and 8125 / 8017 generation
- Creates palletization templates once and then simply palletizes mailings based upon CSA or Standard Class palletization rules
- TrackingAssurety™ - Complete end-to-end tracking solution for intelligent full-service mailings for commercial mailers, mail owner and transporters
- Provides proactive full-service intelligent mail, eInduction and Seamless Acceptance reporting
- Tracks mailings from initial handoff of pieces, trays or pallets to partners, to induction and then final delivery by the USPS
- Provides early/late delivery alerts
- Reports full-service Intelligent Mail, eInduction and Seamless Acceptance errors without logging in to USPS systems
- PackageAssurety™ - Provides your business with CRID, MID query, validation and creation support. Also provides eVS and PTR support for all domestic and international classes
- Reconciliation and verification error reporting on PICs
- Supports postage for all classes of parcels and shipping products
- Tracking data from PTR on parcel and shipping products
- Validate MIDSs
- Reconcile USPS postage invoices
- ScoreCardAssurety™ - Proactively manage full service, Scorecard Acceptance, Move Update, and eInduction Errors and fix your operational processes
- Proactively manage full service, Scorecard Acceptance, Move Update, and eInduction Errors
- Fix operational and data issues and avoid postage penalties
- In a single workflow learn about errors in your Mai.dat Presort and address data for Move update compliance
- Automated reporting for Seamless and full service errors through Mail.XML
- Drill down into your jobs and validate errors
Assurety continues to play a key role for USPS Marketing, Mail Entry and Payment Technologies, IS, Operations, Engineering and other organizations helping automate business processes, increasing accuracy of financial reporting, enabling improved workflows for mailers and USPS to bring efficiency and remove costs.
America’s postal system has a long history, reaching back at least to 1775 and will continue to be an important part of postal ecosystem, delivering the mail moment that is special for millions of businesses and households in America.
And the Commercial Mailing Industry continue to face significant challenges as the U.S. is firmly entrenched in the mobile and digital age. Assurety Consulting understands these challenges and will continue to enhance the viability of mail for years to come.