On the afternoon of December 6, 2010, letter carrier Bruce Parton was shot and killed while delivering mail on his route. Parton, who operated out of the Norland Station post office in Miami, was a 30-year veteran carrier. Parton’s stolen vehicle was found abandoned not far from the crime scene. Postal inspectors canvassed the neighborhood for witnesses, disseminated wanted flyers, and interviewed numerous suspects. During their investigation inspectors developed some suspects, Pikerson J. Mentor and Saubnet Politesse. Mentor was found with Parton’s mail key in his possession.

The pair killed Parton for his key in order to access mailboxes in numerous North Miami-Dade apartment complexes and the personal financial information that they could find inside. Mentor was sentenced to life in prison plus 42 years. Politesse was sentenced to 21 years for his part in the crime.