In 1873, President Grant signed a new postal act into law that added a range of new duties to postal inspectors’ working day. Among their new duties was the fight against what is now commonly known as consumer fraud. Con artists continue to try to put one over on the public through a variety of fraudulent schemes. Frauds can start over the telephone with a telemarketing call, over the internet, or through the mail. It may seem odd to have postal inspectors working on scams that start with phone calls or emails, but at some point, a part of the fraud often takes place in the mail. Maybe it is a check sent by a victim or a postcard or letter sent by the con artists to perpetrate their crime. In any case, these crooks are now up against the Postal Inspection Service. In addition, federal and state prosecutors ask inspectors to participate in ongoing investigations that involve wire fraud, bank fraud, and health care fraud.