Director’s Favorite 15

By Allen Kane, Former Director, National Postal Museum
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Long Life Vehicle, 1986

Virtual Exhibit
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Allen Kane, Former Director of the National Postal Museum

When I came to the National Postal Museum in 2002 I was familiar with the museum’s work and reputation. What I did not yet realize was that the museum’s collections held such a great variety of objects. Nor had I realized just how magnificent many of these item were, not only those on exhibit, but also those in storage behind the scenes. In honor of the museum’s 15th anniversary I have selected 15 of my favorite items from the collection.

I have divided these objects into four categories. There are objects that were part of my history when I worked at the U.S. Postal Service, objects that I find interesting or important in the collection, objects that represent notable Americans or events, and finally items that have connections to my hometown of Brooklyn, New York.


Cuando llegué al Museo Postal Nacional en 2002, estaba familiarizado con el trabajo y la reputación del museo. De lo que aún no me había dado cuenta es de que las colecciones del museo contenían una gran variedad de objetos. Tampoco me había dado cuenta de cuán magníficos eran muchos de estos artículos, no solo los que estaban en exhibición, sino también los que estaban almacenados detrás de escena. En honor al 15.º aniversario del museo, he seleccionado 15 de mis artículos favoritos de la colección.
—Allen Kane, exdirector del Museo Postal Nacional

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