Cesky Wiesenthal

Most postmarks in the collection are from the late 1800s or the early 1900s, but Simon Wiesenthal included some later ones as well. After World War I, Bohemia -- the location of Boehmisch Wiesenthal and Wiesenthal an der Neisse — became part of the new nation of Czechoslovakia. Postmarks for the old Boehmisch Wiesenthal now read Český Wiesenthal, Český Viesenthal, or C Viesenthal, all meaning Czech Wiesenthal. Simon Wiesenthal had examples of all three.
Cesky Wiesenthal Straightline Postmarks

The last of these, C Viesenthal, was a temporary postmark used briefly just after World War II and just before the city changed to its modern, Czech-language name of Loučná pod Klínovcem. These C Viesenthal postmarks are among the few straightline (as opposed to circular) postmarks in the collection. Straightline postmarks typically appear during times of transition, when postmasters must improvise a postmark for a new or changed town name by setting type locally.