See also Federated Malay States 1900-1934
Stamps issued: 1876-1960

A former nonfederated British Malay state. Johore was under British protection from 1914 to 1957. The area joined the Federation of Malaya in 1957.
Narrative by Linn's Stamp News
Stamps issued: 1912-1962

A sultanate in southwest Malayan peninsula. Kedah was under British protection from 1909 to 1942, Japanese occupation 1942-43, Siamese occupation 1943-45, British administration 1945-57. Since 1948, Kedah has been a member of the Federation of Malaya.
Narrative by Linn's Stamp News
Stamps issued: 1911-1962

A sultanate in northeast Malaya peninsula. The area was under British protection after 1909, and was occupied by Japan (1942-43) and Siam (1943-45) during World War II.
Narrative by Linn's Stamp News
Stamps issued: 1948-1960
Prior to 1948 see Singapore, Straits Settlements

Formerly part of the British colony of Straits Settlements. Malacca was under British control since the early 19th century, except for Japanese occupation from 1942 to 1945. The area is now a part of Malaya within the Malaysian Federation. Stamps currently issued for use there are inscribed "Melaka."
Narrative by Linn's Stamp News
Stamps issued: 1891-1963

Sultanate on the west coast of the Malay Peninsula. Placed under British protection in 1891, the sultanate was occupied by Japan 1942-45. Negri Sembilan joined the Federation of Malaya in 1948 and is now part of the Malaysian Federation.
Narrative by Linn's Stamp News
Stamps issued: 1889-1962

The largest Malay state, under British protection after 1888. Pahang was occupied by Japan from 1942 to 1945 and joined the Federation of Malaya in 1948. It is now a part of Malaysia.
Narrative by Linn's Stamp News
Stamps issued: 1948-1960
Prior to 1948 see Singapore, Straits Settlements

A former British possession on the west coast of the Malay Peninsula. Penang has been a member of the Federation of Malaya since 1948. Recent stamps used there are inscribed "Pulau Pinang."
Narrative by Linn's Stamp News
Stamps issued: 1878-1961

A sultanate on the west coast of the Malay Peninsula. Under British influence after 1795, Perak was incorporated into the Federated Malay States in 1895. Perak joined the Federation of Malaya in 1948. Since 1963 it has been one of the members of the independent Federation of Malaysia.
Narrative by Linn's Stamp News
Stamps issued: 1948-1962

Former Siamese tributary state in the south Malay Peninsula. Perlis was under British control after 1909, joining the Federation of Malaya in 1948. With the rest of the Malay states, it is now part of the Federation of Malaysia.
Narrative by Linn's Stamp News
Stamps issued: 1878-1962

Sultanate in the south Malay Peninsula. Selangor was under British protection after 1874 and joined the Federation of Malaya in 1948.
Narrative by Linn's Stamp News
Stamps issued: 1878-1895

Former Federated Malay State under British protection. The territory was incorporated into Negri Sembilan in 1895.
Narrative by Linn's Stamp News
Stamps issued: 1910-1963

Former non-federated Malay state under Siamese influence until a British protectorate was established in 1909. Trengganu joined the Federation of Malaya in 1948 and is now part of the Federation of Malaysia.