You are being asked to contribute your recollections to the Smithsonian National Postal Museum’s virtual exhibition Memory Book: People and the Post, which is helping to create a permanent digital record of the history and work of former and current postal employees. Your participation in this project will allow future historians and the general public gain a greater understanding of the history of the postal service, its employees and their important role in American history.
Your submission of material constitutes your permission for, and consent to, its dissemination and use in connection with the Smithsonian National Postal Museum in all media in perpetuity. Your contribution grants permission to the Smithsonian National Postal Museum to publish any and all submitted material in its virtual exhibition Memory Book: People and the Post, as well as other communication assets of the museum, including its websites, written publications (online and print), newsletters, media releases, educational publications, and galleries.
The material you submit must have been created by you, wholly original, and shall not be copied from or based – in whole or in part – upon any other photographic, literary, or other material, except to the extent that such material is in the public domain. Further, submitted material must not violate any confidentiality, privacy, security or other laws. You will not contribute any content that is unlawful, harassing, discriminatory, libelous, obscene, false, inflammatory, pornographic, or that infringes on the rights of any third party.
By submitting material to the virtual exhibition Memory Book: People and the Post, you release, discharge, and agree to hold harmless the Smithsonian Institution and persons acting under its permission or authority from any claims or liability arising out of the Museum’s use of the material, including, without limitation, claims for violation of privacy, defamation or misrepresentation. You understand that the Smithsonian National Postal Museum assumes no responsibility or liability for any error, defamation, libel, omission, obscenity or inaccuracy contained in any submitted material or from any failure or delay in removing such content.
The Smithsonian National Postal Museum has no obligation to use your material.
Contributions will be reviewed through our moderation process prior to being posted. You agree that the Smithsonian National Postal Museum may make edits to correct spelling and to ensure compliance with any other requirement contained in this consent form.
Your email address or any other information will not be shared with commercial vendors.
If you are unclear about any aspect of this consent form, you may contact the Smithsonian National Postal Museum at the following e-mail address for clarification: npmmemorybook@si.edu