Courtesy Marilyn Thornton, Thornton Family Collection
Courtesy Marilyn Thornton, Thornton Family Collection
Correspondence helped sustain families in many ways. Sarah Thornton reported to her husband Edgar that she had received part of his military paycheck. Many households depended upon this allotment, but lapses in the system were not uncommon. The entire extended Thornton family felt the effects of the absence of the men. Edgar, his brother, and his brother-in-law had been drafted. Edgar deployed to France with the 155th Depot Brigade, which served as replacement troops for the 369th, a segregated African-American regiment.
Ashburn va
Aug 20, 1918
My Dear husband
I will answer your kind and most loving letter which I received yesterday and was more than glad to hear from you and to hear that it left you well you ask me if I was with your mother and Jessie yes Peachie and Gert moved over to [p.2] cetar lane and your mother and Jessie are here with me we are still at the same house these few lines leaves us all well. Louase can talk good now the children all send love I went to Watson the 3 Sunday in July and carried all of the children my sow ways about 1.50 lbs and I have got anothey pig ways about 50 lbs and your mother and Jessie has one a piece the [p. 3] size of my little one. I had good luck with my first chickens but Jessie and I are both having bad luck with our young ones. I want to have the children picture taken and send you one. Louase says she is bad. bell and Jack are well and sends love yes I am still getting my money but I haven got my July check yet I will send you albert address. maude is having [p.4] your picture enlarged I don’t know Clarence address but he is in camp lee yet. albert is cooking in the hospital Albert Bushrod Base hospital annex Barricks 82 Camp lee va I will write more next time we all sind love to you Jessie baby has two teeth and can crowl. I send you two letters about 2 monts ago your loving wife Sarah Thornton