Stamps That Changed the World

Obliterating Trials

Introducing the Penny Red

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Used Penny Blacks with cancels removed, 1840


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6 Penny Blacks, 5 used with cancels removed, 1840


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Black cancels on black test impressions, May 1840


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Black cancels on deep blue test impressions, May 1840


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Black cancels on orange-red test impressions, May 1840


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Black cancels on reddish-brown test impressions, May 1840


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Black cancels on black test impressions, June 1840


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Black cancels on blue test impressions, June 1840


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Obliterating trials, June 1840, attempts to remove cancels


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Obliterating trials, June 1840, attempts to remove cancels


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Trial cover using punched-hole method, 1840


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Obliterating trials, June 1840, attempts to remove cancels


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Obliterating trials, June 1840, attempts to remove cancels


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Obliterating trials, June 1840, attempts to remove cancels


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A trial printing from the “obliterating trials.” None of the listed chemicals, including prussic acid and creosote, removed a cancellation without leaving obvious damage.


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Varnish experiment, September 1840


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Test of Thomas Watson's ink (overly acidic), October 21, 1840