The following resources related to the stamps and postal history of Liberia may be consulted in the National Postal Museum Library:
- Journal of the Liberian Philatelic Society. Quarterly journal of the Liberian Philatelic Society. [HE6183.L45 L69] (Previous titles include Liberian Philatelic Society Newsletter; Newsletter of the Liberian Philatelic Society; and LPS Letter; for current holdings, check shelf)
- United States Congress, House Committee on Naval Affairs. Report of the Naval Committee to the House of Representatives, August, 1850, in Favor of the Establishment of a Line of Mail Steamships to the Western Coast of Africa… (Washington, DC: Gideon and Co., 1850.) [HE6477 .A4 1850X]
- Bruns, Franklin R., ed. First Liberia Stamp Exhibition, November 20, 1950-January 6, 1951. (Philadelphia, PA: National Philatelic Museum, 1951.) [HE6185.L7 F52 1951]
- Hilchey, Albert W. Catalogue of the Revenue Stamps of Liberia. (San Diego, CA: Published by the author, 1966.) [HJ5478.2 .Z7H64 1966]
- Rogers, Henry Harper. A Century of Liberian Philately. (Winnipeg, MB: K. Bileski, 1971.) [HE6204.L7 R726]
- Shoemaker, Robert E. Liberian Postal Stationery. (Chester, VA.: United Postal Stationery Society, 2012.) [HE6184.S73 L73 2012]