First Day On the Job
I came to the post office from working on the Medicare contract for 13.5 the time America was hurting for good paying jobs the housing bubble had hit union construct.and ins cos and banks were failing all over America..i remember ringing that bell on the dock thinking i better just get my rear outta here it was lookn like major manual labor in there i bout made it too. A little gal opened the door and said where u think yr going i said nowhere and now as of 6/2018 me and that little gal got tapped to go full time regular..of course I'm 60 now and she is 35 I'm almost done and she has many years ahead of her..but i will say other than the backwards things management does things and the still to this day major hard work involved...i have never in all my working life worked with a better bunce of people and am proud to say i am in the apwu union and am a postal employee..the people at the post office care about there communities everyday they push back againist big business trying to privatize the usps..they work hard for customers and keep an impossible pace to keep people from waiting in long lines..the average customer I'm sure has no idea what postal employees do for them or what is done to postal employees on any given day..without a doubt the local post office is and always will be the heart of a keeps families in touch with eachother,it keeps mamas and wives in touch with solider sons and husbands,it keeps pen pals who may have met 40 years prior at camp in touch. And if given just 1/2 a chance the post office could and would prosper beyond anything anyone can imagine..i doubt I'll see this..but maybe just maybe one day my grandson will become a postal employee and he can tell his children of the postal services meger beginnings to what it is now in 2018 and beyond..wouldn't that be great!!
AUTHOR NAME: Renee Howard