My Personal Postal "Dog Story"
Every postal carrier has at least one dog story---here is my favorite one. I began my postal career in 1980 as a PTF (Part Time Flexible) Clerk/Carrier. Back then they didn't have the clear distinctions between the two crafts of Clerks and Carriers at least for new hires as PTF's. Back to my story!
One day delivering mail on my part time city route #7, I was stopped at a group of 3 mail boxes together, and what we called "fingering" through the mail to sort it between the 3 mailboxes when I suddenly felt something in my lap! My fear subsided quickly when I discovered that that "something" was a rather large, happy dog just out of "puppy" stage. After feeling relieved , I then began to worry because that dog did not want to budge! I think he wanted to travel and deliver the mail with me. After a few attempts to extricate him unsuccessfully, and having mental images of having a canine assistant all day, and images of trying to explain this situation to my supervisor, and realizing this could put me way behind my delivery schedule--I realized I had brought a sack lunch with me that day! And it worked! I sacrificed my ham sandwich by throwing it out of the jeep and the dog followed it. I quickly pulled the jeep door closed and went on my way. While I went hungry that day, it was worth trading my sandwich for a memory!
AUTHOR NAME: Robin Hulvey
AUTHOR CITY, STATE: Kingman, Arizona