Card Change-Up
Toughest Day
Once I was hired, I was still on my 90 probationary period and I still had to pass this machine training within 90 days and I struggled with the dexterity part. It was actually in the same time period that I was getting married. So I was trying to get this training done and get ready to get married. I was about 30 years old. Mary was still my training instructor. My time was up, but they would still allow me to come in on my own time up until my probationary period to train to take the test. One day (it was my last day), my 89th day. Mary wasn’t there that day. It was this older lady named Edna, so I come in to take the test and say to give me my stack of cards that I’ve been using right over there, and Edna says, ‘no, I’m not going to do that.’ So she reaches down in the bottom of the cabinet and got this other stack of cards and blew the dust off of them. There were 300 cards and they were all different than the ones I had been used to training with. I was really stressed out because this Edna had switched up the cards. I ended up passing my training. If I didn’t pass it the next day I would have been fired.