Owney the Dog Look-Alike Contest


By MJ Meredith

Does your dog love to travel?

Has he been known to befriend the mailman?

Is he adventurous?

If the answer to one of those questions is yes, then he/she has a lot in common with Owney, the railway mail mascot and most famous dog of the 1890's. There's even a chance your dog could share in a little bit of Owney's fame.

How? Enter your dog in the Owney Look-Alike Contest for the chance to win some amazing prizes and have his/her photo hang next to the real Owney in the Smithsonian National Postal Museum. In partnership with the Washington Humane Society, and in celebration of Owney's recent makeover, new exhibit and U.S. postage stamp, we're searching for three modern day dogs that most resemble our favorite historic mutt.

Pitt Bulls May Apply
Don’t worry if your dog doesn’t physically resemble Owney, that’s just one of the qualities we’re looking for. We’re also seeking dogs that embody what we like to call the “Owney spirit.” Your dog could qualify if he’s adventurous, loves to travel, makes friends wherever he goes or was adopted like Owney was by the railway mail clerks. Or maybe your dog has a job like Owney did, helping the clerks protect and deliver the mail.

Owney posed with railway mail worker
Owney on the job guarding the mail train.

How to Enter
Browse photos and stories of Owney’s adventures for ideas on how to capture your dog’s best Owney impression. Write a few words telling us why you think he/she resembles Owney and submit it along with the photo via the contest tab on our Facebook page. When submissions end at midnight on September 15th, we’ll turn it over to the public to vote for the winner.

The Prizes

The photo receiving the most votes by October 17th will be the grand prize winner. The grand prize includes:

An iPad and a screeshot of an ebook with a drawing of Owney
  • 16GB iPad2
  • The new interactive e-book, Owney: Tails on the Rails

Two runners up and the grand prize winner will receive:

An Owney towy, a book, and a stamp sheet
  • Owney plush toy
  • Autographed copy of the children’s book, A Lucky Dog: Owney U.S. Railway Mascot
  • Uncut press sheet of Owney’s U.S. postage stamp

In addition, the three winner’s photos will be displayed next to the real Owney the dog in the National Postal Museum for two weeks.

Think your dog has what it takes? Enter today!