Jackie Strange joined the Post Office Department as a temporary clerk in 1946 while still in college. She worked her way up through the system, often as the first women in her managerial positions. Rising from work as a temporary clerk, she was promoted to postmaster, then acting manager of mail operations, followed by a number of regional and district management positions, as assistant postmaster general in procurement and supply, regional postmaster general for the southern region, and finally, as deputy postmaster general in 1985. As deputy postmaster general, she served in the “No. 2 job in the U.S. Postal Service,”1 from 1985 until her retirement in 1987, “managing the world’s largest non-civilian workforce of 800,000 and a $32 billion budget.”2 Her efforts to advance women were so effective that the Australian Postmaster General invited her to help him improve the status of women in the Australian postal service.
Strange has received numerous awards both inside and outside the Postal Service for her success. A short list of her honors include the first graduate of her alma mater, Georgia Southern University, to receive its Honorary Doctorate Degree. She has received the Benjamin Franklin Award and the Postmasters General Award for Excellence.