Volume 1 consisting of 69 pages. 1864 - 1883 Private die proprietary match stamp proofs, trial color proofs, and essays, (Scott RO1P - RO33P, RO1TC - RO31TC, Turner p.127 and p.131)
Volume 2 consisting of 75 pages. 1864 - 1883 Private die proprietary match stamp proofs, trial color proofs, and essays, (Scott RO35P - RO75P, RO35TC - RO75TC, Turner p.135 and unlisted)
Volume 3 consisting of 73 pages. 1864 - 1883 Private die proprietary match stamp proofs, trial color proofs, and essays, (Scott RO76P - RO110P, RO76TC - RO110TC, Turner p.147 and p.153)
Volume 4 consisting of 81 pages. 1864 - 1883 Private die proprietary match stamp proofs, trial color proofs and essays, (Scott RO112P - RO148P, RO112TC -RO148TC, Turner p.177)
Volume 5 consisting of 67 pages. 1864 - 1883 Private die proprietary match stamp proofs, trial color proofs, and essays, (Scott RO132P and RO132TC, RO152P - RO185P, RO152TC - RO184TC, Turner pp. 179, 183, 185)
Volume 6 consisting of 78 pages. 1862 - 1883 - Private die proprietary match, canned fruit and medicine stamp proofs, essays, trial color proofs (Scott RO68P, RP1P, RS1P-RS38P, RP1TC, RS1TC - RS38TC, Turner pp.
149, 151,165,181)
Volume 7 consisting of 75 pages. 1862 - 1883 Proofs, trial color proofs, and essays of private die medicine stamps, (Scott RS39P - RS72P, RS39TC - RS72TC, RS245P, RS245TC, Turner p.209 and p.217)
Volume 8 consisting of 80 pages. 1862 - 1883 Private die medicine stamp proofs, trial color proofs, and essays, (Scott RS73P - RS111P, RS73TC - RS111TC, Turner p.229)
Volume 9 consisting of 71 pages. 1862 - 1883 Private die medicine stamp proofs and trial color proofs, and essays (Scott RS114P - RS152P, RS116TC - RS152TC, Turner p.241 and p.243)
Volume 10 consisting of 75 pages. 1862 - 1883 Private die medicine stamp proofs, trial color proofs, and essays, (Scott RS153P - RS186P, RS153TC - RS185TC, Turner p. 261 and p.267)
Volume 11 consisting of 71 pages. 1862 - 1883 Private die medicine stamp proofs, trial color proofs, and essays, (Scott RS187P - RS224P, RS187TC - RS224TC, Turner p. 277, unlisted)
Volume 12 consisting of 70 pages. 1862 - 1883 Private die medicine stamp proofs, trial color proofs and essays, (Scott RS225P - RS258P, RS225TC - RS258TC, Turner p.285 and p.293)
Volume 13 consisting of 76 pages. 1862 - 1883 Proofs, trial color proofs, and essays of private die medicine stamps, (Scott RS191P, RS259P - RS276P, RS192TC, RS259TC - RS276TC, Turner pp. 197 - 311)
Volume 14 consisting of 64 pages. 1864 - 1883 Proofs, essays, trial color proofs of private die perfumery stamps, (Scott RT1P - RT32P, RT5TC - RT32TC, Turner pp.197, 307, 311, and 317)
Volume 15 consisting of 67 pages. 1862 - 1883 - Proofs of Private die playing card stamps (Scott RU2P - RU16P), Private die match stamps (Scott RO2P - RO184P), and Private die medicine stamps (Scott RS4P - RS23P) trial color proofs (Scott RU2TC - RU15TC, RO101TC - RO146TC) and essays (Turner pp. 123, 321 and 323)
Volume 16 consisting of 65 pages. 1862 - 1883 - Proofs, essays and trial color proofs of private die medicine stamps (Scott RS31P - RS274P, RS139TC -S144TC, RT13TC, Turner pp. 261,279), private die perfumery stamps (Scott RT2P - RT26P), private die playing card stamps (Scott RU3P - RU14P)
Volume 17 consisting of 68 pages. 1862 - 1872 Proofs of revenue stamps, (Scott R1P - R150P), trial color proofs (Scott R3TC - R102TC) and essays (Turner essays 54 - 116, Turner essay models 1, 9 and unlisted)
Volume 18 consisting of 53 pages. 1862 - 1874 Proofs of revenue stamps (Scott R113 - R133), proprietary stamps (Scott RB3P - RB10P), trial color proofs (R3TC, R113TC - 131TC), essays (Turner 108-A - 124 Stage II
D) Note: pages 7, 20 missing; 22 - 27 in separate box
Volume 19 consisting of 59 pages. 1862 - 1894 - Proofs of Postage Due stamps 1894 (Scott J31P - J37P), proprietary stamps 1875 - 1883, (Scott RB11P - RB19P), playing cards, 1894, (Scott RF2P, RF1TC - RF2TC), Essays 1862 - 69, (Turner 1 - 68 and unlisted)
Volume 20 consisting of 57 pages. 1862 - 98 - Essays (Turner 3a - 235, unlisted) and proofs (Turner Type B - Type Xc) of revenue stamps
Volume 21 consisting of 76 pages. 1845 - 1903 - Essays (9X1E1a, 5E1a - 09E6a, L01E2a - L01E3a and unlisted), large die proofs (77P, 122P, 65P), plate proofs (68P - 78P), trial color proofs (9X1TC, 1TC - 77TC) and proofs (9X1P, 1P - 47P) of issued postage stamps, (9x1P, 1P - 209E6a, L01E2a - L02TC)
Volume 22 consisting of 98 pages. 1870 - 99 - Essays (145E8 – 250 E2), die proofs, (145P - 245P) trial color proofs (157TC - 262TC, E2TC) and plate proofs (205P - 233aP) of issued postage stamps
Volume 23 consisting of 85 pages. 1865 - 1903 Plate proofs, (294P - 299P, OX3P - OX4P, PR2P - PR7P) essays,(285E8 - 293E7, 68E3 - O56E1c, OX1E4a, PR81E1 - PR111E1) die proofs (285P - 293P, PR29P -
PR111P, OX1P - OX106P), large die proofs (230P - 245P, E1P), small die proofs (E4P, PR110P - PR113P) trial color proofs (286TC, O10TC - O14TC, PR2TC - PR112TC) of issued postage stamps, and stamps (PR9 - PR81)
Volume 24 consisting of 76 pages. 1851 - 1903 - Essays (Scott73E3a - 191E2a and unlisted) die proofs (247P - 263P, E4P, J1P - J21P, 1XaE1b - 184E14c) plate proofs (184E12c - 184E13d), trial color proofs (Scott J1TC - J7TC), of issued postage stamps including postage due stamps. Note: missing p.15