Volumes 4A - 6B

Volume 4A, 36 pages

stamps autographed in the 1950s and 1960s by foreign rulers (Canada - Ethiopia); some covers

  1. El Salvadoran stamp on card signed by Mackenzie King, Prime Minister ofCanada
  2. El Salvadoran souvenir card signed by Mackenzie King, Prime Minister ofCanada
  3. B/4 Central African Republic stamps on presidential letterhead signed by President David Dacko
  4. B/4 Ceylon stamps signed by Sir John Kotelawala, Prime Minister ofCeylon
  5. B/4 Ceylon stamps signed by D. Stephen Senanayake, Prime Minister ofCeylon
  6. B/4 Ceylon stamps signed by D. Stephen Senanayake, Prime Minister ofCeylon
  7. B/4 Brazilian stamps depicting Brazil and Chile, signed by Gabriel Gonzales Videla, President ofChile
  8. B/4 Brazilian stamps depicting Brazil and Chile, signed by Gabriel GonzalesVidela
  9. Brazilian stamp depicting Brazil and Chile on card, signed by Gabriel Gonzales Videla,dated 15 May1930
  10. B/8 Chinese stamps signed by Generalissimo ChiangKai-Shek
  11. B/4 stamps on card signed by Generalissimo ChiangKai-Shek
  12. B/4 Colombian stamps signed by General Gustavo Rojas Pinilla, President ofColombia
  13. Congo Republic stamp on card, signed by Joseph Kasa-Vuba, Chief of State of Congo Republic
  14. Katanga, Congo stamp on card, signed by Moise Tshombe, President of KatangaProvince
  15. Costa Rican stamp signed by President Julio Acosta, Costa Rica, and cancelled cover
  16. Costa Rican stamp on card signed by President Julio Acosta, CostaRica
  17. Costa Rican stamp on card signed by President Julio Acosta, CostaRica
  18. B/4 El Salvadorian stamps signed by Mario Echandi, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Costa Rica
  19. B/4 Costa Rican stamps signed by Teodoro Picado, President of CostaRica
  20. B/4 Nicaraguan stamps signed by Otilio Ulate, President of CostaRica
  21. B/4 Cuban stamps, lower left stamp signed by General Fulgencio Batista y Zaldivar, President ofCuba
  22. B/4 Cuban stamps on card, card signed by General Fulgencio Batista y Zaldivar,President
  23. B/6 Dominican Republic stamps signed by General Hector B. Trujillo,President
  24. Dominican Republic stamp on card, signed by Julia Molina Vinda Trujillo, mother of PresidentTrujillo
  25. Dominican Republic stamp on card signed by Generalissimo Rafael Leonidas Trujillo Molina, President of the DominicanRepublic
  26. Mass-produced photo card with pre-printed signature of General Eloy Alfaro, President of Ecuador, and Ecuadorian stamp depictingAlfaro
  27. Ecuadorian stamp on card signed by Carlos Alberto Arroyo del Rio, President ofEcuador
  28. B/4 Ecuadorian stamps on card signed by Dr. J.M. Velasco Ibarra, President ofEcuador
  29. Souvenir card with 2 Ecuadorian stamps, signed by Galo Plaza, President ofEcuador
  30. Egyptian stamp on card signed by Dr. H. Afifi Pacha of Egypt, preprinted signature card with handwritten note, and cancelled cover
  31. Egyptian stamp on card signed by Wacyf Boutros Ghali Pasha of Egypt, preprinted signature card with handwritten note, and cancelled cover
  32. Egyptian stamp on card, card signed by Mohamed Helmi Issa Pascha, dated 20September 1957
  33. Egyptian stamp on card, card signed by Minister of Public Works Osman Moharram Pasha, and cancelled cover
  34. B/4 Egyptian stamps, signed by General Mohammed Naguib, President ofEgypt
  35. Egyptian stamp on card signed by Prime Minister Mustafa Nahas Pasha and cancelled cover
  36. Ethiopian stamp on card signed by Woizero Menen, Empress ofEthiopia

Volume 4B, 42 pages

Letters and covers from 1950s and 1960s foreign rulers (Canada - Ethiopia)

  1. Letter from Secretary of Mackenzie King, Prime Minister ofCanada
  2. Free cover from office of Mackenzie King,Canada
  3. Cancelled cover from Mackenzie King and typed letter signed by Mackenzie King,Canada
  4. Newspaper clipping (bio and photograph) of Mackenzie King from Time Magazine,1950
  5. Cancelled cover, signature card from D. S. Senanayake, Prime Minister ofCeylon
  6. Typed letter from the secretary of the Prime Minister ofCeylon
  7. Typed letter from the secretary of President Gabriel Gonzales Videla of Chile and stamps (removed)
  8. Typed letter from the secretary of President Chiang Kai-Shek,China
  9. Cancelled cover from Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek,China
  10. Typed letter from secretary of Generalissimo ChiangKai-Shek
  11. Cancelled cover from Generalissimo ChiangKai-Shek
  12. Cancelled cover from General Gustavo RojasPinilla
  13. Typed letter signed by President Julio Acosta, President of CostaRica
  14. Handwritten letter signed by Julio Acosta of Costa Rica and cancelled cover
  15. Newspaper clipping titled “Julio Acosta, Ex-President of CostaRica”
  16. Holiday greeting card signed by Antonio A. Facio, Ambassador of CostaRica
  17. Cancelled cover from Otilio Ulate, President of CostaRica
  18. Typed letter and cover from office of General Fulgencio Batista yZaldivar
  19. Typed letter from office of President Rafael L. Trujillo, DominicanRepublic
  20. Handwritten letter signed by General Eloy Alfaro, President ofEcuador
  21. Cancelled cover from General EloyAlfaro
  22. Reproduction of a certificate from the International Eloy Alfaro Foundation to Malcolm MacGregor
  23. Reproduction of a typed letter awarding a medal from the Eloy AlfaroInternational Foundation toMacGregor
  24. Photograph of Award Medal of the Eloy Alfaro InternationalFoundation
  25. Newspaper clipping from stamps June 21, 1952 titled “Malcolm Mac Gregor Awarded Eloy Alfaro International FoundationMedal”
  26. Newspaper clipping from stamps June 21, 1952 titled “Malcolm Mac Gregor Awarded Eloy Alfaro International FoundationMedal”
  27. Newspaper clipping from New York World-Telegram and Sun, June 20, 1952, “HackensackMail Truck Route Open,” with mention of MacGregor’saward
  28. Newspaper clipping from stamps November 15, 1952, “The Hunt for Autographed postage stamps Made Easy” byMacGregor
  29. Enlarged reproduction of Ecuadorian stamp depicting President Arroya del Rio ofEcuador addressing U.S. Congress, with a list of depicted menidentified
  30. Preprinted signature card with note from President J.M. Velasco Ibarra of Ecuadordated January 5,1951;
  31. Photograph signed by Lt. Col. Gamal Abdel Nasser, President ofEgypt
  32. Typed letter signed by Gamal Abdel Nasser, President of Egypt, and cancelled cover
  33. Typed letter signed by Gamal Abdel Nasser, President ofEgypt
  34. Photograph of Gamal Abdel Nasser and cancelled cover
  35. Photograph of the signing of the “Anglo-EgyptianTreaty”
  36. Typed letter signed by Osman Moharram Pasha, Egyptian Minister of PublicWorks
  37. Cancelled cover from General Mohammed Naguib ofEgypt
  38. Typed letter from the office of Prime Minister Mustafa Nahas Pasha,Egypt
  39. Typed letter from the office of the Emperor, Addis Ababa, concerning Empress’signature
  40. Typed letter from the office of the Emperor, Addis Ababa, concerning Emperor’ssignature
  41. Typed letter from the Ethiopian Embassy in Washington, D.C. concerning Emperor Haile Selassie I ofEthiopia
  42. Cancelled cover from the Ethiopian Embassy, Washington,D.C.

Volume 5, 28 pages

Blocks of autographed stamps, autographed stamps on cards, and cancelled covers (Finland - Honduras) covering 1919-1950s

  1. B/4 Finnish stamps signed by Marshal Mannerheim, President of Finland and cancelled cover
  2. Finnish stamp on card signed “ Mannerheim,” dated1950
  3. Finnish stamp on card signed “J.K. Paasikivi,” President ofFinland
  4. B/4 Finnish stamps signed “J.K.Paasikivi”
  5. Finnish stamp on card signed “J.K. Paasikivi” and cancelled cover
  6. Finnish stamp on card signed “Alli Paasikivi,” First Lady ofFinland
  7. B/4 Finnish stamps signed “Alli Paasikivi” and cancelled cover
  8. B/2 Finnish stamps signed “Risto Ryti,” President ofFinland
  9. Finnish stamp on card signed “K. J. Stahlberg,” President ofFinland
  10. Finnish stamp on card signed “K. J. Stahlberg” and cancelled cover
  11. B/4 German stamps signed “Theodor Heuss,” President of WestGermany
  12. B/4 Ghanaian stamps signed “Kwame Nkrumah,” Prime Minister ofGhana
  13. B/4 Ghanaian stamps signed “KwameNkrumah”
  14. B/4 Ghanaian stamps signed “KwameNkrumah”
  15. B/4 Ghanaian stamps signed “KwameNkrumah”
  16. El Salvadorian stamp on card signed “W Churchill,” Prime Minister of GreatBritain
  17. B/4 Egyptian stamps signed “Anthony Eden,” Prime Minister of GreatBritain
  18. Egyptian stamp on card signed “Earl Halifax,” Lord Privy Seal of GreatBritain
  19. B/4 stamps signed “Edward Duke ofWindsor”
  20. B/4 Australian stamps on card signed “Henry,” Duke ofGloucester
  21. Egyptian stamp on card signed “Killearn,” British Ambassador toEgypt
  22. Egyptian stamp on card signed “Simon,” Lord High Chancellor of GreatBritain
  23. B/4 Greek stamps signed “Frederika,” Queen of Greece, and cancelled cover
  24. Greek stamp on card signed “George,” Prince of Greece, and cancelled cover
  25. B/4 Greek stamps signed “Paul I,” King ofGreece
  26. Greek stamp on card signed “Paul I,” King ofGreece
  27. B/4 Haitian stamps signed “Dumarsais Estime,” President ofHaiti
  28. Haitian stamp on card signed “DumarsaisEstime”
  29. B/4 Haitian stamps signed by Paul Eugene Magloire, President ofHaiti
  30. B/4 Haitian stamps, signed individually by Paul Eugene Magloire, President ofHaiti
  31. B/4 Haitian stamps, signed “Yolette P. Magloire,” first lady ofHaiti
  32. B/4 Haitian stamps, individually signed “Stenio Vincent,” President ofHaiti
  33. Haitian stamp on card signed “StenioVincent”
  34. B/4 Haitian stamps, individually signed “Stenio Vincent,” and cancelled cover
  35. B/4 Honduran stamps, signed “Tiburcio Carias A,” President ofHonduras
  36. Honduran stamp on card signed by Dr. Vicente Mejia Colindres, President ofHonduras
  37. B/4 Honduran stamps, signed “Juan Manuel Galvez,” President ofHonduras
  38. Honduran stamp on card signed “Juan Manuel Galvez” and stamped
  39. Honduran stamp on card signed “Rafael Diaz Chavez,” Vice-President ofHonduras

Volume 5A, 28 pages

Correspondence from leaders of Finland - Honduras, dated 1950s

  1. Correspondence regarding President J. K. Paasikivi ofFinland
  2. Correspondence regarding Mrs. Alli Paasikivi ofFinland
  3. Cancelled cover from Risto Ryti, President ofFinland
  4. Newspaper clipping “Finland Releases Ryti,” New York Times, May 20,1949
  5. Compliment card and cancelled cover from Prime Minister Kwame Nkumah ofGhana
  6. Magazine clipping of a portrait of WinstonChurchill
  7. Correspondence regarding WinstonChurchill
  8. Cancelled cover from office of WinstonChurchill
  9. Signature card with autograph by Anthony Eden and note on House of Commonsstationery
  10. Cancelled cover from AnthonyEden
  11. Correspondence, signed by EarlHalifax
  12. Cancelled cover from EarlHalifax
  13. Photograph of Henry, Duke ofGloucester
  14. Correspondence regarding Henry, Duke ofGloucester
  15. Cancelled cover from secretary of Henry, Duke ofGloucester
  16. Handwritten letter from secretary of Henry, Duke ofGloucester
  17. Cancelled cover from Baron ofKillearn
  18. Cancelled cover from ViscountSimon
  19. Handwritten letter from secretary of the Duke of Windsor stamp
  20. Cancelled cover from secretary of the Duke ofWindsor
  21. Typed letter from Lady in Waiting to Queen Frederika ofGreece
  22. Typed letter from the secretary of King Paul ofGreece
  23. Christmas note signed by A. Polotes, Ambassador toGreece
  24. Typed letter from office of President Dumarsais Estime ofHaiti
  25. Cancelled cover and enclosure from Paul Eugene Magloire, President ofHaiti
  26. Typed letter signed by President Stenio Vincent ofHaiti
  27. Typed letter signed by Dr. Vicente Mejia Colindres ofHonduras
  28. Typed letter signed by President Juan Manuel Galvez ofHonduras

Volume 6, 42 pages

1940s - 1950s, stamps, blocks of stamps, and covers, with autographs of foreign leaders (Honduras - Indonesia)

  1. Honduran stamp on card signed “Julio Lozano,” President ofHonduras
  2. B/4 Honduran stamps signed “JulioLozano”
  3. B/4 El Salvadorian stamps, individually signed by J. Edgardo Valenzuela, Minister of Foreign Affairs ofHonduras
  4. B/4 Honduran stamps individually signed by General Abraham Williams, Vice-President of Honduras
  5. B/4 Hungarian stamps signed by Admiral Nicholas Horthy de Nagybanya andcancelled cover
  6. B/4 Hungarian stamps signed by Admiral Nicholas Horthy de Nagybanya andcancelled cover
  7. Hungarian presentation proof signed by Mrs. StephenHorthy
  8. Hungarian presentation proof signed by Magdalene de Horthy, First Lady ofHungary
  9. Hungarian presentation proof signed by Matyas Rakosi, Prime Minister ofHungary
  10. B/4 Indian stamps signed by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, Prime Minister ofIndia
  11. B/4 Barwani stamps signed by Major Devi Singh, Maharana Saheb ofBarwani
  12. B/4 Bundi stamps signed by Major Bahadur Singh, Maharao Rajah ofBundi
  13. Bundi stamp on card signed by Major BahadurSingh
  14. B/4 Hyderabadian stamps on card, signed by Mir Osman Ali Khan, Nizam VII of Hyderabad
  15. B/4 stamps signed by Himmat Singhji, Maharaja ofIdar
  16. B/4 stamps signed by Major-General Yeshwant Rao Holkar, Maharaja ofIndore
  17. stamp on card signed by Maharaja Sahib Bahadur of Jaipur, Rajpramukh ofRajasthan
  18. B/4 Jaipur stamps individually signed by Sir Man Singhji Bahadur, Rajpramukh ofJaipur
  19. Morvi State stamp signed by Sir LakhdirgiWaghji
  20. B/4 Morvi State stamps signed by Sir Lakhdirgi Waghji, Maharaja ofMorvi
  21. B/4 stamps, with accompanying signature of Sir Bala Rama Varma, Maharaja ofTravancore
  22. B/4 stamps on card, card signed by Emperor Bao-Dai ofAnnam
  23. stamp on card signed “BaoDai”
  24. B/4 Vietnamese stamps on card, signed and stamped by BaoDai
  25. B/4 stamps on card, card signed by Nam Phuong, Empress ofAnnam
  26. Vietnamese stamp on card, card signed by NamPhuong
  27. stamp on card, each signed by Norodom Sihanouk, King ofCambodia
  28. B/4 stamps signed by King Norodom Sihanouk, cancelled cover, and signature card dated 12-7-49
  29. Cambodian perforated proof signed by Prince Norodom Sihanouk, Prime Minister of Cambodia
  30. B/6 Cambodian stamps signed by Norodom Suramarit, King ofCambodia
  31. B/4 stamps signed by Sisavang Vong, King ofLaos
  32. B/4 stamps individually signed by Sisavang Vong, and cancelled cover
  33. B/4 stamps individually signed by SisavangVong
  34. stamp on card signed by Sisavang Vong, and cancelled cover
  35. B/4 Indonesian stamps, and typed letter signed by A. A. Maramis, Ambasador ofIndonesia
  36. B/4 Indonesian stamps individually signed by Sultan Sjahrir of Indonesia, and cancelled cover
  37. Indonesian stamp on card signed by Chief of Police R.S. Soekanto ofIndonesia
  38. B/4 Indonesian stamps on card signed by R. S. Soekanto, and cancelled cover
  39. Indonesian stamp on card signed by R. S.Soekanto
  40. B/4 Indonesian stamps signed by Dr. Ahmed Sukarno, President ofIndonesia
  41. Indonesian stamp on card signed by Air Commodore Suryadarma of Indonesia, dated1951
  42. B/4 Indonesian stamps signed by Air Commodore Suryadarma and cancelled cover

Volume 6A, 32 pages

1940s - 1950s, correspondence and covers, with some autographs of foreign leaders (Honduras - Indonesia)

  1. Pre-printed signature card with handwritten note from General Abraham Williams of Honduras
  2. Typed correspondence signed by Admiral Nicholas Horthy ofNagybanya
  3. Cancelled cover from Mrs. StephenHorthy
  4. Typed letter from Maharaja Devi Singh ofBarwani
  5. Typed letter from Maharaja Devi Singh of Barwani, withsignature
  6. Cancelled cover from Maharaja Devi Singh ofBarwani
  7. Handwritten note on card from secretary of Major Maharao Rajah BahadurSingh
  8. Cancelled cover from Major Maharao Rajah BahadurSingh
  9. Typed letter from secretary of Mir Osman Ali Khan, NizamVII
  10. Magazine clipping on Mir Osman AliKhan
  11. Newspaper clipping and photo-reproduction, “Nizam Investing in IndianBonds”
  12. Handwritten correspondence signed by Maharaja Himmat Singhji ofIdar
  13. Cancelled cover from Maharaja Himmat Singhji ofIdar
  14. Typed letter from secretary of Maharaja Holkar ofIndore
  15. Cancelled cover from Maharaja Yeshwant Rao Holkar ofIndore
  16. Typed letter from secretary of the Rajpramukh ofJaipur
  17. Cancelled cover from the Rajpramukh ofJaipur
  18. Typed letter from the secretary of Maharaja Sir Lakhdirji Waghji ofMorvi
  19. Cancelled cover from Maharaja Sir Lakhdirji Waghji ofMorvi
  20. Cancelled cover from Emperor Bao-Dai ofAnnam
  21. Typed letter from the secretary of King Norodom Sihanouk ofCambodia
  22. Typed letter from the secretary of King Sisavang-Vong ofLaos
  23. Typed letter from the secretary of King Sisavang-Vong ofLaos
  24. Signed card and cancelled cover from Ambassador A. A. Maramis ofIndonesia
  25. Typed letter signed by A. A.Maramis
  26. Typed letter from the office of Sultan Sjahrir ofIndonesia
  27. Typed letter signed by Chief of Police R. S. Soekanto ofIndonesia
  28. Typed letter from secretary of Dr. Ahmed Sukarno, President ofIndonesia
  29. Cancelled cover from Dr. AhmedSukarno
  30. Typed letter from the secretary of President Sukarno ofIndonesia
  31. Cancelled cover from Dr. AhmedSukarno
  32. Typed letter from the secretary of Air Commander Suria Darma ofIndonesia