World War I

Topical Reference Page

Find resources on World War I on the National Postal Museum's website.

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Postcard showing machine gun practice, postmarked: Lawton, OK. Ft. Sill Branch, Dec. 3, 1917, 6 pm.

In Her Words

“I am in the Army now.”
-Nurse Greta Wolf to her parents, July 10, 1918

World War I was a watershed for global political, economic, and social change, and for women’s rights and labor in the United States. During the war, women officially served in and alongside the military in unprecedented numbers and in ways that shaped the professionalization of women’s work. Through the letters and artifacts of four women, visitors can explore unique, personal perspectives on life, duty, and service during the war.

On exhibit at the National Postal Museum from February 2, 2018 — May 8, 2018.

Image: Army nurse, Camp Sherman, Ohio, 1918
Grace (Mechlin) Sparling Collection, Gift of Lillian S. Gillhouse, Women’s Memorial Foundation Collection

My Fellow Soldiers: Letters from World War I

At the end of the war, General John J. Pershing—commander of the American Expeditionary Forces (AEF)—wrote a letter that begins “My Fellow Soldiers.” Pershing expressed his profound respect and appreciation for the sacrifice, endurance, and will of those who served under him. Each member of the AEF received a copy of the message.

Letters were the primary form of communication between the home and military fronts and allowed both writers and recipients to preserve connections and share experiences. The selection of correspondence presented in this exhibition illuminates the relationships, thoughts, and emotions of the authors as they grappled with the effects of World War I.

On exhibit at the National Postal Museum from April 6, 2017 - November 29, 2018.

Image: American Red Cross photo postcard showing soldier sending mail.

Pushing the Envelope - World War I Related Blogs

Articles from the museum's blog on World War I topics.

Image: Front page headline, March 1, 1917

Letter Writing in America - World War I Letters

The Great War dominated American minds and hearts, especially after the United States declared war on Germany on April 6, 1917. As American soldiers began to pour across the Atlantic to help the Allied cause, letter writing provided a crucial connection between these men and their families back in the states.

Image: Letter mailed from Paris by an American private, 1918

Special Passport for a Postal Employee

Like travelers today postal employee Charles P. Leary needed a passport to journey abroad during World War I. Unlike modern passports however it was granted for a specific purpose: to allow Leary to travel to France where the Post Office Department was establishing a service to support the deployment of US military personnel.

Image: Special Passport for Postal Agent Charles P. Leary

Mail Call - Expanded Service 1898-1920s

During World War I, the postal system experienced unprecedented growth. Between July 1, 1917 and June 30, 1918 the Post Office Department dispatched 35 million letters to the American Expeditionary Forces.

Image: MPES handstamp die (shown in reverse)

War Letters: Lost & Found - World War I

On the battlefront and at home, letters provide a vital connection between military service members and their families, friends, and loved ones. Motivated by the extraordinary circumstances of war, letter writers often reveal the priorities of life through vivid, heartfelt words and sentiments.

Image: American serviceman composes a letter, c. 1918. Courtesy U.S. Army Military History Institute

World War I and Postal Traffic in British Colonies

Paper written by Richard Maisel for the 2008 Winton M. Blount Symposium.

Image: Title page of Empire Abstracts, Number 48

Postal and Treasury Savings Stamp Systems: The War Years

Paper written by Harry K. Charles for the 2008 Winton M. Blount Symposium.

Image: War Savings Certificate stamps

“Food Will Win the War”

“Food Will Win the War”: Motor Trucks and the Farm-to-Table Postal Delivery Program, 1917-1918
Paper written by Robert G. Cullen for the 2008 Winton M. Blount Symposium.

Image: Egg crate, c. 1920